On 30th December last, IEG - Italian Exhibition Group announced that, due to a worsening of the Covid infection situation throughout Europe, Vicenzaoro would be postponed to 17th – 21st March 2022. T.Gold was also rescheduled for the same dates. This decision was shared with all the relevant national trade associations (Federorafi, Confartigianato, CNA, AFEMO, Assocoral, Federpreziosi), Cibjo and community representatives. Counting on a progressive increase in vaccination coverage throughout the EU and the application of ad hoc measures for managing the peak in all countries, as of mid-March, Vicenza will once again be able to reopen its halls in total safety in accordance with the protocols (SAFE Business by IEG and GBAC Star) that were applied and successfully tested at the September 2020 and 2021 editions, as well as at all the events held at IEG’s various exhibition sites.